Pelican Limited Lifetime Warranty against
manufacturer's defects.
Pelican Water (“Pelican”) warrants to the end user
(“customer”) that its tanks, valves, in/out heads,
bypass’s, fittings, Natursoft media and housings
(“Covered Items”) will be free from defects in
material and workmanship under normal use and
service for the life of the system. No warranty is
made with respect to defects or damaged due to
neglect, misuse, alterations, accident,
misapplication, physical damage, installation on
water quality outside guidelines for system or
damaged caused by fire, acts of God, or freezing.
Private Well Water Conditions (water
supplied from homeowner's private well): The water
treated shall be free of hydrogen sulfide (sulfur
gas / rotten egg smell), oils or high levels of
copper (>1.30 mg/L). Any will coat the surface of
the media and will interfere reducing its
efficiency. If any iron or manganese is present in
the source water, you must pre-treat the water. If
any of these issues exist, you should employ
pre-treatment prior to using this technology. Please
contact us for your pre-treatment needs.