The taste of water is very bad and it is a new reverse osmosis system. It is a personal taste thing. However, if the taste is simply bad, then there may be a defect. We need you to do a simple test and get back to us with the result to determine where the problem can be.
1) Test if the problem is the tank. To do this, by pass the tank and taste the water. Turn tank switch to off. Then, water will go directly out of the faucet water is very slow, like drips of water coming out. Let system run for 10 minutes to clean itself. Then after ten minutes, fill a cup and taste water.
2) Test if the problem is with the post filter (last filter). To do this, by pass the water from the post filter (last filter) Turn of tank switch, and open the drinking water faucet. Then disconnect the water line to the tank switch. In this case, come directly out without going into the last filter. Let system run for 10 minutes to clean itself. Then after ten minutes, fill a cup and taste water.
3) Test if the problem is the membrane. To do this, test the water before the membrane. Turn of water source going into the system *** very important otherwise, you have water shooting out of the line *** Then close the tank switch and open the faucet, wait for 2 minutes ensure that there is no water coming out of the faucet. This will confirm that your water source is closed. Then you may disconnect the line going into the membrane from prefilters (these are the vertical filters). There should be no water coming out of the line. Slowly open the water source and you will see that there is water coming out of the disconnected lines. Fill a cup and taste the water.
Email us back the result indicating if there is bad taste at each of the stages.